WARNING: Diesel Algae/Bacteria Alert!** Is your fuel system at risk? Watch for these warning signs: Don’t wait—act now to protect your fuel system! Contact us for expert assistance: https://dieselcraft.com/test-for-algae-bacteria-in-fuel/
Category: Fuel Test Kits
Diesel fuel testing is essential.
Here are the reasons: Overall, diesel fuel testing is critical for ensuring fuel quality, protecting engine performance and equipment, achieving emissions compliance, ensuring operational safety, and optimizing fuel economy. It provides valuable insights for maintaining reliable and efficient diesel operations while meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards. Contact Dieselcraft to discuss your fuel issues and… Read more »
What is Diesel Fuel Management?
“Diesel management” typically refers to the comprehensive approach of effectively managing diesel fuel usage and diesel engine operations within an organization or a specific context. It involves various aspects including fuel efficiency, engine performance, emissions control, and overall operational effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of key elements involved in diesel management: Overall, diesel management encompasses a… Read more »
ASTM D975, What You Need to Know.
Fuel Testing Regulations, Requirements and Parameters Medical, Emergency / First Response, Senior Care / Assisted Living, Data Centers, Airports, Communication, Transportation, and Energy companies, all must test fuel annually. Joint Commission Requirement on Fuel testing: EC.02.05.07-8, The National Fire Protection NFPA 110 2010 requires at least annually a fuel quality test in accordance with “approved… Read more »
Got gasoline in for diesel fuel tank?
Gasoline in diesel fuel will change the chemistry of the fuel. By changing the chemistry of diesel you have increase the flash point and reduced the lubricity of the fuel. The fuel will fire sooner that it should casing engine damage and with the lubricity reduced you are going to kill you injector pump and… Read more »
How Testing Lube Oil Can Help Your Company Get in Front of Issues

How often does your company test the oil that you use in your equipment? If you don’t do it nearly enough, you could be putting your equipment at risk. There are all kinds of problems that could arise if you don’t make it a point to test your lube oil. Take a look at how… Read more »
Remember the 90 day rule when it comes to diesel fuel used for standby power generation.
Unlike a car or truck diesel fuel sits in some tanks for years, because it is stored for emergencies not regular use. Consider these numbers. A generator you want 24 hours of run time. At full load you burn 20 gallons per hour so, you need 480 gallons in the tank for every 24 hours… Read more »
Why Should You Test Diesel Fuel?…To Prevent Fuel Injector Damage

No matter how hard you try to keep water out of diesel fuel, there will always be least a little bit of water in it. If it is in your tank in most lily got delivered to you. The key is to keep the amount of water to a minimum. One of the best ways… Read more »
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