If things are not running…could it be someone pumped DEF into the fuel tank?

Here is how to find out.
Diesel Fuel Water or DEF Test #DEF-1
Tests for Water and DEF in All Diesel Fuel
Results are immediate. Less than 1 minute
Non-toxic and completely safe
This test will indicate free amounts of DEF in diesel. This is a PASS or FAIL test.
The kit consists of 1 each test tube with 10 test strips and one transfer pipette.
Test Procedure
Your sample must contain “free water/DEF” in it. Meaning you must see the separation between the fuel and the water or DEF on the bottom of you container. This may mean you must take a large tank bottom sample
1. Remove one test strip from the package and place it so the colored end is down into the test tube.
2. Take the fuel sample using the supplied pipette so it contains fluid from the bottom of your larger container and add it to the test tube until the tube is ¾ full.
3. Put on the test tube lid and hold the tube upright and do a visual inspection of the test strip. Water will show as brown to pink where the DEF will turn BLUE in a few seconds.
4. You have 10 tests. You can dispose of the fuel sample taken and the test strip to comply with your local codes and reuse the test tube and pipette as before.
5. Any questions call Dieselcraft at 530 613 2150 or sales@dieselcraft.com
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