How to test fuel for Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) contamination.

Testing for DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) contamination in diesel fuel is an essential process to prevent potential engine damage. Here are the steps to test for DEF in fuel: Get a Dieselcraft DEF Test Kit: DEF test kits are readily available and easy to use. You can purchase them online at Collect a fuel sample: For… Read more »

What do I do if I put Diesel Exhaust Fluid in the Diesel Tank?

DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) is a critical component of modern diesel engines as it helps to reduce harmful emissions. However, if DEF is accidentally added to the diesel fuel tank, it can cause serious damage to the engine. When DEF is added to the diesel fuel tank, it can cause the fuel to become contaminated…. Read more »

My Diesel Engine Quit and Will Not Restart. There’s mystery liquid in my fuel system.

Never assume the fuel you purchase is 100% in spec. Here is a sample purchased at a national brand truck stop that was delivering B20 fuel, meaning 20% Biodiesel and pulled from the trucks water separator. B20 is a common blend because it represents a good balance of cost, emissions, cold-weather performance, materials compatibility, and… Read more »

ASTM D975, What You Need to Know.

Fuel Testing Regulations, Requirements and Parameters Medical, Emergency / First Response, Senior Care / Assisted Living, Data Centers, Airports, Communication, Transportation, and Energy companies, all must test fuel annually. Joint Commission Requirement on Fuel testing: EC.02.05.07-8, The National Fire Protection NFPA 110 2010 requires at least annually a fuel quality test in accordance with “approved… Read more »

Different types of centrifuges for waste oil cleaning

Before you buy a table top centrifuge system let’s compare the options. Dieselcraft Pressure Driven Flow rate and finished gallons per hour OC-20 does 50 gallons per hour OC-50 does 100 gallons per hour All units are rated for Continuous Use All units handle Diesel Fuel, WVO, Motor Oil, Biodiesel, ATF, Gear Oil, etc. Heating… Read more »

The Best Diesel Fuel Additive… that works to clean the tank.

Does your additive claim it is a premium 6-in-1 diesel additive or is a total injector cleaner and performance improver? Some magically make water burn off, to raise fuel cetane, to solve the gelling problem and more all in one bottle.  The more things it claims to do, the less chance it can actually do… Read more »

What is Fuel Polishing & why you need it.

Hey there! Are you tired of your diesel fuel getting contaminated and causing all sorts of problems for your equipment? Our portable fuel polishing system is here to save the day (and your fuel). Here’s the deal: our system uses cutting-edge filter-less purifier technology to remove 99% of water and solid contaminants from your fuel…. Read more »

At what temperature does diesel gel and will it freeze?

At 34°F, you begin to see the start of the gelling process and fuel starts to get cloudy. By 15°F, it gets worse and full on gelling has got you, which will block filters and stop you on the spot. To avoid diesel fuel from gelling is to use an anti-gel fuel additive. Anti-gels drop… Read more »

What is the minimum to do to?

It has been determined by the 28 day, stored diesel fuel begins to become contaminated and start to degrade. Diesel fuel can only be stored from 6 to 12 months and not expect some sort of effects of bad fuel if you do nothing. Many companies suggest to effect the life of the of stored… Read more »