Cleanable Oil Filtration for Cummins 855 and KTA19 Engines

New to the market Direct Engine Installations. Centrifuges remove 99% of engine damaging soot. Increase oil change interval 50%. Dieselcraft Cyclone Series Centrifuges have over 5 times the debris-holding capacity of any filters on the market. Why you ask, because the centrifuge removes contaminants from the oil flow all together. Filters take out solids and… Read more »

Case Study May 2021

The C18 has between 400 and 700 HP so the fuel flow can be between 72 GPH and 126 GPH. The choice of TFP80 from the other manufactures is too small. Based on its size the residence time of the fuel is less than 20 seconds. Our 5×8 because of the design will give 30… Read more »

Got gasoline in for diesel fuel tank?

Gasoline in diesel fuel will change the chemistry of the fuel. By changing the chemistry of diesel you have increase the flash point and reduced the lubricity of the fuel. The fuel will fire sooner that it should casing engine damage and with the lubricity reduced you are going to kill you injector pump and… Read more »

Can you name one reason for using your standard oil filter!

12 Benefits we can list for using an oil centrifuge…… Can you name 1 for using your filter? 1. Cleaner oil, GUARANTEED. 2. 30-50% longer oil life. This means cost of oil changes goes down by at least 30%. The cost of oil is going UP. Your $250 change today may be $350 soon. 3…. Read more »

Black dirty diesel fuel

The color of fuel indicates the fuels age or bacteria growth. The dark color is coming from one or the other. To fix old diesel remove the water first. Less than 50 gallons of fuel consider Mr Funnel to remove the water. Once the water is gone he can then filter out the solids. BUT… Read more »

Comply with EPA guidelines

We can reduce the risk of being fined for improper or illegal hazardous waste management if disposing oil filters improperly. If you work in a situation where you maintain diesel engines, you likely find yourself burdened with a pile of oil filters every year, all of them filled with sludge and used engine oil. Used… Read more »

Why Fuel Polishing

Fuel polishing is the cleaning process used to remove contamination from diesel fuel in storage. It is the removal of water, sediment and microbial contamination. This contamination builds up over time if they aren’t tested and treated regularly. Stored fuel will have some of the following issues for sure any of which will lead to… Read more »

Test for DEF fluid in your diesel fuel tank

If things are not running…could it be someone pumped DEF into the fuel tank? Here is how to find out. Diesel Fuel Water or DEF Test #DEF-1 Tests for Water and DEF in All Diesel Fuel Results are immediate. Less than 1 minute Non-toxic and completely safe This test will indicate free amounts of DEF… Read more »

Ford 6.4 Diesel and Dieselcraft OC-25 Reusable Oil Filter

I did a lot of research on bypass filtration, and I never knew anything about centrifuges until recently.  They are way better than “filter element” kits, and Dieselcraft has the most competitively priced system (You could try to piece one together from another source but you will end up paying way more).  This kit is… Read more »

Do I Have a Problem With “Algae” In My Diesel Fuel Tank?

Technically speaking, algae cannot grow inside of a diesel fuel tank. Algae requires sunlight to grow, so it’s impossible for it to thrive in the darkness of a diesel fuel tank. However, there are microbes like mold, bacteria, and fungus that can find their way into your diesel fuel tank and wreak havoc in it… Read more »